I don’t know about you, but ever since the coronavirus took over our lives, time stopped making sense. It’s really only been a few weeks since the WHO deemed COVID-19 as a pandemic, but it feels like a year! It feels like months since the ‘Stay-at-Home’ order went into effect, but it’s only been a week! If you were to ask me what day of the week it was, there’s only about a 50/50 chance I’d give you the right answer. So what’s going on with my brain? I know I’m not the only one that feels this way lately. The easy explanation would be that our daily routines have been thrown for a loop, so we just need to readjust and all should make sense again. But there’s more to it than that.

According to neuroscientist David Eagleman, this warping of time has to do with how our brains record memories during times of extreme fear and stress. An article on Lifehacker breaks it down: When you are afraid, your brain kicks into high gear and records every tiny detail in an effort to keep you alive. Then, when you recall this memory, your brain gets confused by all of these extra details, and is tricked into thinking this event lasted longer than it actually did.

Talk about being on high alert right now! We’re constantly monitoring news stories for coronavirus updates. We are hyper-aware of anything that might spread disease. We’re focused on washing out hands for 20 seconds, keeping 6 feet apart, and worried about whether their’ll be any food and TP at the store.

So if it feels as if time has lost all meaning, you’re not crazy! You’re likely just a little stressed out and honestly, with this once in a lifetime situation, that’s OK!