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Another week of work or school is upon us and if you find yourself nodding in and out of sleep it might be time for a little boost. However, instead of grabbing and slamming another cup of coffee or your favorite energy drink for that short-term boost try one of these longer lasting alternatives.

  1. Exercise and activity. If you find yourself nodding off at your desk this week maybe its time for a little break. Rather than getting up and grabbing another cup of coffee, try standing up and move around for a few minutes. Exercise helps boost your energy levels and even reduces that fatigue feeling. If that doesn’t work and its during daylight hours, go for a little walk.
  2. Take a power nap. A power nap can do wonders for you from making you more alert and even giving you some much needed clarity from the stresses in the world. Best of all you don’t have to nap for a long time. All you need is a 10-20 minute nap to recharge, anything longer might interrupt your regular sleep schedule.
  3. Drink water and eat snacks. No doubt that caffeine will always give you that short-term boost to stay awake. The long term solution to staying energized and awake is water and nutrition. Fatigue is a sign of dehydration so by drinking water, especially cold water, it will give your body that jolt it needs to wake up. For a more effective energy boost throughout your day pack a snack like an apple, salad or toast with peanut butter.

This article is by Robby Cruz. Email him at robby@949wdkb.com or follow him on Instagram @robbycruz949 and TikTok @robbycruz949