Head over to Fatty’s Pub and Grille on October 12th from 6:30pm – 8:30pm for the next NIU STEM Café: Mechatronics: From Robots to Self-Driving Vehicles.

From washers and dryers to drones, conveyor systems and self-driving cars, the results of mechatronics are part of our current lives and a high-tech future. Mechatronics is an interdisciplinary engineering field that integrates mechanical, electrical, computer and information systems throughout the design process to create a final product that’s better than the sum of its parts.At this STEM Café, hear from two experienced engineering professors to learn about the mechatronics design process, the profession of mechatronics engineering and how mechatronics are making a difference in our everyday lives.With Yueh-Jaw (YJ) Lin, Ph.D., NIU Mechanical Engineering Professor and Director of Mechatronics Engineering Program and Peter A. Lin, Ph.D., Engineer and NIU Visiting Professor in the Mechatronics Engineering Program.Northern Illinois University STEM Cafés are part of NIU STEAM and are designed to increase public awareness of the critical role that STEM fields play in our everyday lives. They are offered in partnership with the NIU Alumni Association and made possible with support from Thermo Fisher Scientific and Bayer Fund.

For more information, you can click HERE.