The 2020 Olympics, which were scheduled to begin on July 24, have been postponed due health concerns concerning the coronavirus. It’s no surprise, but it was definitely a decision the International Olympic Committee has been hesitant to commit to as the Olympics are not an easy event to reorganize. IOC member Dick Pound said in an interview with USA Today on Monday afternoon:

“On the basis of the information the IOC has, postponement has been decided. The parameters going forward have not been determined, but the Games are not going to start on July 24, that much I know. It will come in stages. We will postpone this and begin to deal with all the ramifications of moving this, which are immense.”

Details of the postponement are expected to be worked out over the next 4 weeks. The Games will likely not take place until at least 2021.

I guess I’ll just have to spend my summer entertaining myself with my own at home gymnastics routines…