94.9 WDKB presented this weeks #HometownHero award to:

Michelle Hansen

Thanks to Rebecca from Big Rock who nominated Michelle. She Said:

“Michelle has dedicated two years now to transform our school’s PTO as the VP. She has created new school events the community loves, led countless fundraisers for the betterment of our students, and celebrated & supported our teachers not just at “teacher appreciation week” but at every chance the PTO had. Coming out of Covid when schools were closed to the public, Michelle and the 2021-2022 HBR PTO have really gone above and beyond for their teachers, staff and students. Michelle has a warm friendly personality whom people flock to, she has no problem gathering volunteers for the PTO! She fits all this in between going to church, volunteering for Girl Scouts, and helping with the local HBR Softball League. She is a true Hometown Hero!”