Will Ferrell just scored his first hit song! “Husavik (My Hometown)”, from the new Netflix comedy “Eurovison Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga”, just debuted at #16 on the Billboard Digital Song Sales chart. But, Will Ferrell only sings a few backup vocals. This climax moment of the movie belongs to Rachel McAdams’ character, whose singing voice is credited to Swedish singer Molly Sanden AKA My Marianne.


Honestly, the song is GREAT! Could it even be great enough to be considered for Best Original Song at the Oscars?! It’s possible. Normally, comedies don’t get any attention from the Academy, but since the pickins are slim this year, the original songs from Eurovision might stand a chance. Here’s the other original song from the movie:



It would be the MOST 2020 thing ever if Ja Ja Ding Dong got an Oscar nomination. Anyway, congrats on the chart success Will Ferrell!